Lost letters

We are constantly working on our growing collection of free printable worksheets for preschool and kindergarten. We where planning to create these printable worksheets for a long time already, but our hands was too short, could not reach to create these exercises for kids.
In these exercise pages are list of words and illustration that has some letters missing.
Maybe some words could be unknown for Your children, but that’s another bonus – kids will learn new words.

Table of Contents

What type of tasks are in worksheets?

Printable worksheets for kids is consisting of 10 pages, each of them has 11 examples. Each and every example is accommodated with icon and name of that element, that can be seen in illustration. An each word is missing some letter.
As additional task you can give as a task to overwrite all letters, so kid would train line/letter drawing. This way kids are learning reading, writing and also drawing.

For example, at our home we are giving to fill the missing letters to older of child. And after that will give to the youngest kid to redraw the letters.

Who should do these exercises?

Worksheets for children with lost letters are for preschool kids – six, five or even four years old children, but that really depends on each kid individually.
The tasks should not be to hard and neither to easy, parents should monitor if kids understands whats needs to be done. Also encourage children to ask question if some of the illustrations are not clear, or maybe the word is not known.
The tasks should be a bit challenging for the kid so children would learn new skills.

When you see that children does not have any difficulties to do the worksheets, then have to search for next challenge, but from time to time should repeat this tasks.

If tasks are to hard?

If these tasks are to hard, then good idea is to do something easier. For example, just draw the letters. Or tasks where words needs to be connected by syllables. Or maybe, tasks where illustration needs to be connected with correct word.
We dont have any of these tasks yet, but we are working on such tasks. So subscribe to our newsletter to get the info about the newly added worksheets.
And maybe you have ideas for some other worksheets, please contact us, and we will add the ideas to our backlog. To make us work faster, you can support us in various ways, any support is highly valued.

If tasks are to easy?

If tasks are to easy for you kid, you could work these worksheets from time to time, just for training or allow to children them selves decide what task they can do so give your children options. At the moment we don’t have anything particular to offer, but here is some ideas – more than just one letter is missing, children needs to write full word for the illustration (you can use same worksheets just cut off the illustrations.

How to get free printable worksheets for kids?

  • Fill in the form
  • Get link to downloadable pdf file
  • Print out all or particular page on printer that you have access to
  • FIll in the form again, to get the different variation of the exercise sheets

Download and help kids learn with our printable worksheets

10 printable worksheet pages contains 11 exercises on each page.
Download pdf document, print out all or just particular page. Suggestion is to print two pages on one of the A4 paper sheet, and both sides, that what we do. This lets you minimize paper waste. Also sometimes if we have some old documents we are using the blank side to print on those exercises for kids.

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There are multiple ways how to support us and our content. Any support is highly valuable for us. Getting support from you will push us to create more, different tasks, printable worksheets.

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