Steam Summer Sale 2023

Currently, there is the Steam Summer Sale, a great opportunity to purchase a game with a fantastic discount. Most likely, we will buy one of the Lego video games, because two children and/or adults can play it on one computer together, completing missions.

Table of Contents

Video games as a motivation carrot and stick.

We use Good Deed money notes, which children can earn by doing various activities – tidying their room, doing the dishes, brushing their teeth, reading, writing, math, biking, drawing, coloring, and putting together puzzles. They can use these currency units to buy time for video games, purchase extra sweets, or buy new games from Mom and Dad’s stores.

Video games can also serve as a stick in cases when the child misbehaves – they can receive “penalty points” for bad behavior, which must be redeemed before they can play video games.

We buy them in advance during the Steam sale. We purchase a couple of video games to motivate the children to earn Good Deed money.

Labo darbiņu naudas zīmes

Check your ‘wish list’.

Be sure to take a look at your ‘wishlist’ for any games that are not available at a significant discount. If you don’t have a ‘wishlist’ of your own, you can check out what we’ve been playing last year – maybe some of the games will also appeal to you.

Most of the time, we play relatively old games, so we can often buy these games for less than 5 euros when there are discounts.

Steam Vasaras izparārdošana 2023

Steam Summer Sale 2023

Split-screen games for a party.

If you’re planning a party, it might be useful to buy split-screen games where multiple players can play together – 2 to 4 players on one screen.

These are games that we play quite regularly, especially when someone comes to visit.

Steam Vasaras izparārdošana 2023

Steam Summer Sale 2023

The Steam Deck will help find time to play video games.

I personally don’t get to play video games often, but since I’ve purchased the Steam Deck, it happens more frequently – of course, I have to check if the child is allowed to play them ;). While commuting to/from work, flying on a plane, waiting for the kids after extracurricular activities, and gatherings. Now is a pretty good time to get one, as the Steam Deck is being sold with discounts ranging from 10% to 20%.

A good video game is like a good movie – it can make you think, simply entertain, or surprise you.

Steam Deck - pārvietojama spēļu konsole, dators

Steam Deck – pārvietojama spēļu konsole, dators

Games bought, now it’s time to print out a task for the kids.

Search and download printable worksheets for children. The printable tasks will help improve writing skills, reading skills, math, and counting. Good luck!

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