Free printable activity for children, in which the child has to solve simple subtraction arithmetic examples up to ten. In the tasks, one of the numbers is unknown, and the child must fill in either the minuend or the subtrahend, as the case may be.When completing the tasks, the child […]
Tag: Work sheets for kids
Subtraction within 20
Free printable exercise for children, where the child must solve simple subtraction examples within the tens range – neither the minuend nor the subtrahend exceeds 20, and the result is not negative. What’s in the printable worksheets? In these ten printable exercise pages for children, there are examples where two […]
Counting up to 20 with unknown addends
Free printable task for children, in which the child has to solve simple arithmetic examples, adding up to ten with unknown addends. By completing the tasks, the child practices addition – arithmetic, finding unknowns, and recognizing numbers. What is in the worksheets? In these ten task pages, there are examples […]
Count and write the arithmetic equation
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Lost letters “pro” version – in exercise there are multiple missing letters
We had created learning materials for home use with missing letters, but now they have become too easy, for us at-least. We need slightly more challenging tasks to develop children’s thinking. Unlike missing letters, in these digital resources, several letters are lost in each word, not just one. These tasks […]
Lost letters “pro” version – in exercise there are multiple missing letters
Lost letters
We are constantly working on our growing collection of free printable worksheets for preschool and kindergarten. We where planning to create these printable worksheets for a long time already, but our hands was too short, could not reach to create these exercises for kids. In these exercise pages are list […]
Addition to 5
Free printable exercises have 10 pages with 18 exercises on each page. The exercise consists of an arithmetic task where have to sum two addends, the sum of the addition does not exceed 5. If these exercises are too easy? When the addtion to 5 becomes to easy then go […]
Subtraction within 10
Free printable worksheets for kids, where children have to do simple arithmetic examples with subtraction within 10. That is, neither minuend, nor subtrahend are not bigger than 10 and result is not negative, does not exceed 10. Whats in the worksheet? These 10 printable worksheets contains examples where two numbers […]
Addition to 10 with hidden addends
Free printable worksheet for kids, where children have to do simple arithmetic exercises with two addends but instead of unknown result, one of the addends is missing. What is in the worksheets? These ten worksheets has examples containing two addends with sum not exceeding 10 and one of the addends […]
Addition to 20 with several addends
This article introduces free printable worksheets for preschool children to practice simple arithmetic exercises with two or several addends. The exercises are designed to help children develop their arithmetic and number recognition skills, with each submission generating a new set of randomized examples. The article provides tips for parents on […]