Our best articles of 2024 – articles that are most frequently visited. Perhaps you have missed some of them, and it will be a discovery for you. Sometimes we ourselves don’t realize what could have been useful.
Tag: Exercises for kids
Most read articles in 2023
Our best articles of 2023 – articles that are most frequently visited. Perhaps you have missed some of them, and it will be a discovery for you. Sometimes we ourselves don’t realize what could have been useful.
The most popular printables for children in 2024
List of the best worksheets for children. Our best tasks are the ones you have downloaded most frequently. Hopefully, next year, this list will be much different, as it will show that we have created new useful free printable worksheets.
The most popular printables for children in 2023
List of the best worksheets for children. Our best tasks are the ones you have downloaded most frequently. Hopefully, next year, this list will be much different, as it will show that we have created new useful free printable worksheets.
Sort in ascending order
Free printable tasks for children, in which objects of different sizes are given and they must be arranged in ascending order – from smallest to largest. What’s on these worksheets? Ten task sheets have five lines with examples, each containing a different number of objects of different sizes. Below the […]
Mark the one that does not fit
Printable exercise for children, in which they need to identify the object that does not fit the other objects in the row. Logical exercise for kids, were kinds needs to find connection, common attribute to the objects and have to mark the object that does not fit in given row. […]
Mark the smallest (circle around)
Printable exercise for children, in which they need to identify the smallest object based on dimensions. What is on these task pages? In the ten task pages, there are six rows with examples, where there is a different number of objects of various sizes. The child needs to find the […]
Mark the largest (circle around)
Printable exercise for children, in which they need to identify the largest object based on dimensions. What is on these task pages? In the ten task pages, there are six rows with examples, where there is a different number of objects of various sizes. The child needs to find the […]
Learn to write capital letters – connect the dots
Teaching materials learning materials, printable tasks for children. Intended for preschool-age children. This task exercises the hands and teaches writing in printed capital letters. How to obtain these learning materials for home study? Who are these digital resources intended for? These printable worksheets are intended for preschool-age children, kindergarten students […]
Latvian language: sports activities – test exercise
Free printable worksheets for children to learn the Latvian language. The worksheet topic is sports activities. As a test, write the translation in Latvian for the phrase ‘sport activity’ in English. Who are these printable worksheets intended for? In general, these worksheets are intended for primary school, the first grade, […]