Count and mark

These are free printables for kids where the child has to count different objects and mark the correct number of items.
On the side of each task, there are three variants, and one of them is correct.
With this task, children are learning to count and recognize numbers.

Table of Contents

Free downloadable worksheets are generated each time. Each time you request the pdf for download will get a different version, so tasks are less repetitive.

For whom are these free worksheets for kids

These free printable resources and activities for kids are suitable for three years old children or even two years old depending on the kid.

Each kid develops differently so, at the start, parents should provide support and see if the kid understands what has to be done in the task.

These printable exercises can be used at home, be part of kindergarten worksheets, daycare worksheets, also can be used in Montessori education.

Tasks are too easy?

Great! We are constantly adding new tasks. You should browse printable worksheets on our site. You will find something that would be more challenging.
We suggest that for the next challenge go for count and mark without answers, so that child is learning how to draw the numbers by him/herself.

Count and mark – without answers

Get free printable worksheets for preschool and kindergarten

  • Fill the form to get free printable worksheet for kids
  • Get materials
  • Print with available printer
  • Work together with the kid
  • Fill the form once again if you want another variation of free printable worksheets for children “count and mark”, or print the same worksheet again

Download free printable worksheet for kindergarten

Fill the form and we will send you link to printable materials with counting worksheets. Count the objects and circle or mark the correct answer.
You will be able to download the pdf and reuse the printable exercises. In document there will be 10 worksheets with 8 tasks on each page.
We are printing on both sides and with two pages per page, so it reduces paper wastage.
Print all the worksheets, or just the one you want.

Support us in new free printable packs

We hope that we help kids learn with our printable worksheets. And we are continuing to create new tasks, any support is highly appreciated and will give us a boost for creating new free printables for all ages.
The easiest way to support us is “word of mouth” – sharing these or other free downloadable activity sheets for kids from our collection.
For other ways, you can read our support page. Also if you have ideas for some other worksheets that could be useful for your kids, or you have some suggestions, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Support from you, content from us

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