The counting printable exercises with answers got to easy for my kid, but this task is one of the favorites. So to up the challenge we created version that does not contain the answer just a place where to write the correct count. This way i am tricking the kids to learn to write the number by themselves.

So, these are worksheets where your kid has to count different objects and write in square the correct number of items.
With this task children are learning counting and writing of the numbers
Free downloadable worksheets are generated each time. Each time you request the pdf for download, you will get different version, so tasks are less repetitive.
These exercises are suitable for four years old, three years old children or even two years old depending on the kid. Parents should monitor if tasks is not too hard for children, or maybe other way round, to easy for the kid.
Each kid develops differently so, parent should provide support and see if kid understands what has to be done in task.
- Fill the form
- Get materials
- Print with available printer
- Work together with the kid
- Fill the form once again if you want another variation, or print the same worksheet again
Send the printable worksheet to your email
Fill the form and we will send you link to printable materials with counting worksheets. Count the objects and write in into empty square the counted number.
You will be able to download the pdf and reuse the printable exercises. In document there will be 10 worksheets with 8 tasks on each page.
We are printing on both sides and with two pages per page, so it reduces paper wastage.
Print all the worksheets, or just the one you want.